Writing Like a Human Being will Boost Your Email Marketing

Of all the factors that can make or break your email marketing campaigns, guess which one gets forgotten a lot? That you need to be human. You can truthfully check that not-a-robot box, of course. But are you sure your audience is feeling an authentic vibe from you?

Or are they reading emails that feel robotic, lacking emotion and personality? Think about that because it really matters. People want to be inspired and feel connected to what they take time to read. 

If your email copywriting needs more spark to it, don’t worry. I have your back with plenty of ways to make sure your email audience knows you’re a real person who is putting yourself out there in an open fashion. 

Let’s get into it.

Hire Email Marketing Help

Some people say they just aren’t writers. And I get that. If that’s the case for you then the best option is to hire a copywriter. Make them check the not-a-robot box, give them clear directions on what you want conveyed, then see what they produce. Caution…

We’ll get more into this in a minute, but be sure to give your copywriter solid feedback. You want personality and a human quality to your emails. But messages have to be in the voice you want. A writer who just met you will need more than one email to get it right. 

Best ways to help your writer do this:

  • Clear instructions on the email persona you want
  • Give them resources and time to understand your products / services
  • A phone call or Zoom will convey your voice to them better than email

Get Better at Writing

If hiring isn’t an option, then you can learn to be a better email copywriter. Two hours a week for a few months can ramp up almost anyone’s writing. This may not be ideal but if you make more sales as a result it will be worth it.

Plus, more revenue may allow you to then hire a freelancer to take the copywriting off your plate. 

My best advice to get better at writing marketing emails? Pretend you are writing to one person. This one-person cliché is 100 percent true. It takes the pressure off of writing to 10,000 people who you fear won’t like you or your message.

Relax and focus on writing to and helping one person.

The next best tip is to ask yourself if what you’re sharing with your readers is valuable. No doubt, right? That’s why you do what you do. That being the case, you shouldn’t hold back in your delivery of information that will help those on your email list. 

Throw yourself into the writing!

Those two tips will make you a more effective email marketer.

Oh, don’t forget, you can also hire writers to “punch up” your copy. That can be more cost-effective than having them write emails in their entirety. 

Email Marketing with AI?

Now, you may have read how AI (artificial intelligence) is being used to write. That goes against what I mentioned at the start, don’t be robotic.

However, the technology is getting better. There’s a famous Reddit thread that shows a heated argument that seems like a couple of hot-head humans, but is really two bots programmed to fight.

It fools lots of people. But for email marketing? Come on. Think about how hard it is to get a conversion. And you understand your product, service, and mission. Can bots, even super smart ones, do that? 

Comparing Robotic Copy

Please feel free to test out some options for using AI to help with your organization’s writing tasks. It can be a starting point, then you can edit and do the heavy lifting.

Below are two calls-to-action. One written by a cold, lifeless bot. The other by a living, breathing human.

  1. Don’t buy this bass boat.
  2. Burn that honey-do list and hit the lake this weekend in your Renegade Bass Boat.

The bot must’ve been confused (#1) but its second try wasn’t much better → “BUY MY BOAT.” 

All caps🙂. Not kidding, guys.

Your Voice and Email Persona 

Once you have found a way to be more personal, authentic, and compelling with your words, hone in on your voice. Is your brand:

  • Fun
  • Serious
  • Trusted
  • Helpful in a pinch
  • Powerful
  • Artsy
  • Laid back

The list could go on and on. Could be a hybrid as well. Take time to write a description of your business or organization. The full vibe. And then write a description of how you want to relay that vibe in your email marketing. 

Remember, you have crucial things to say, getting the email persona honed in ensures what you say makes an impact. 

Unique Voices You Can Draw From

Need more help with your email persona and voice? No worries. Think about three different things you love. One, your favorite band. They have a feel, a look, and hopefully a sound! It’s unique to them, correct?

Two, if you have a favorite comedian, same thing applies. If Jim Gaffigan didn’t come out and tell jokes about food, his fan base would think he had hit his head. He has crafted a consistent voice and persona for many years. So don’t worry if you don’t get yours right in the next four weeks.

Three, the shows you watch. Each has a vibe. Even different streaming platforms have their own persona… you can know nothing about a series and still tell if it’s on Netflix versus Hulu. Think about it.

Email Opened Up

Everyone in the email marketing world talks about open rates. We test and tweak to boost opens. Well, opening up about yourself is an easy way to connect and get more readers opening your newsletters or sales emails. 

Ways to do it:

  • Mention your mom ran her first 5k if you sell running shoes
  • Tell how your new pup made you look foolish at the park if K9s are your business
  • A home repair disaster kept you from uploading your weekly show

If the personal stuff can connect to your business, awesome. If not, that’s fine too. 

You are a real person and have every right to dip into your personal life to bring a story over to the business side. The people reading your life tidbits can relate. They have ups and downs in this human experience too.

Write for Your Audience

Getting your voice on point is a large chunk of the formula for email copywriting success. Please don’t forget your audience. You want engagement so you have to keep reminding yourself to give them what they want.

WIIFT – What’s in it for them? Ask yourself this before you start any email campaign. Or a single email. Keep what you have to offer in tune with what your email readers are interested in. Ask them, care what they say, and track data that can confirm what they say.

  • Ask them to reply to emails
  • Post surveys – it’s ok if only a few answer, those may be super fans
  • Watch what they click 

Find the sweet spot between what you have to say and what your readers desperately need to hear, then your email marketing will be something to brag about.

Email Marketing with Care

Now you see and feel how vital it is to be yourself. To write emails like a human being. You now have handy tactics and long-term plans for improved email copywriting.

But if you hit your head and forget everything you just read. Remember this. To show your audience that you care about them and care about what you have to offer them, you have to throw yourself into the process. 

Don’t leave your passion behind when you sit down to tap out an email. Don’t leave out the best part of you either. The human side. That’s the side people want to see and the part they will ultimately connect with. 

Right Words, Right Time

Once you’ve invested time to level up your writing skills or hired a pro, make sure the effort pays off. Timing your messages is crucial. The best article in history about ice cream won’t get many reads in the middle of a blizzard. 

And if your awesome email hits inboxes at the wrong time, it may sit unopened forever. Inbox Mailers can help avoid that ugly thought by boosting your open rates to 50-70%. What would that do for your organization? It’s worth investigating with this free guide on how Inbox Mailers does it.

Picture of John Gardner

John Gardner

John Gardner is an expert email marketer and co-founder of Inbox Mailers. He specializes in email segmentation and improving overall deliverability, helping top brands and businesses optimize their email marketing strategy.