Inbox placement and deliverability have caused many email marketers sleepless nights. Some of them are not even email marketers anymore as a result of these complicated problems.
Well, it’s time for some good news. If you’ve not seen a demo of Inbox Mailers, I’m going to break down how it improves inbox placement rates without complicated tactics.
Inbox placement is different from deliverability.
How? Deliverability refers to emails successfully arriving in ANY of your email folders. Inbox placement is a more useful metric showing how many of your emails land in the inbox (not spam folder, not promotion tab, etc.)
Inbox Placement with Inbox Mailers
Inbox Mailers works off of predictable human habits.
We tracked billions of email sends to find this fact.
People read emails in a predictable pattern.
- They open the email program
- Then delete all the emails not of interest
- Next, they begin reading emails they kept
These keeper emails are the key. Inbox Mailers triggers our user’s email to send and land in that stack of keeper emails!
This makes it highly likely the triggered email will also be opened and read.
This technology is unlike anything on the market and…

Another Key? Our Gigantic Mailer Network
We handle newsletters and email campaigns for brands with huge email lists so we have the ability to track inbox activity in real time on a massive scale.
Our giant network makes our automatic triggers possible. Here’s an example of how it works.
✉Puppy Power Products has an email sitting in Kathy Carter’s inbox.
✉Kathy sits down at her desk, deletes 8 unwanted emails, then starts opening keeper emails including the one from Puppy Power.
✉The moment she opens that email, Inbox Mailers triggers a pre-planned email from Cat-Toys-r-Us to fire off to Kathy.
✉Kathy’s actively reading emails so she will likely open the Cat-Toys email too.
Prime Time
Studies have shown that simply having time to read emails is the #2 factor in getting your email campaign opened and read. #2, just behind recognizing the sender! You can see how important this factor is, right?
Another predictable human behavior is— people make future choices based on choices they already committed to.

So when we commit to keeping and reading a stack of emails, we follow through. Meaning… we are likely to read all the emails we kept because we made that choice. Having your triggered email land in that chosen stack of emails is gold because it uses this predictable human behavior.
Other Timing Theories and Studies Fall Flat at Inbox Placement
I’ve shouted from the rooftop before about all the ‘best time to email’ content on the web.
One, these theories don’t hold water because each audience is different. Two, even carefully performed timing studies can’t be trusted to work on your list at a high rate of success.
Inbox Mailers works off of real-time triggers. Not past statistics. Sure, there are better times to send emails than other times – but the absolute best time is the instant your subscriber is staring at their inbox opening emails.
Think about our next-level inbox placement like this. Many human activities are based on time and place and convenience.
- We buy candy bars and gum at the checkout lane
- We read physical mail as we tote it into the house
- We buy popcorn at the movies (despite the luxury price tag)
Our platform places your email at the most ideal spot in the inbox at the perfect moment. This leads to higher open rates (up to 70%) and also… higher click volume.
That’s not all.
Inbox Placement into the Future
More opens and more clicks mean your sender score improves as internet service providers recognize your emails are getting engagement.
This gives your email strategy momentum into the future because the more people open your emails, the more your emails will avoid spam folders going forward.
So not only does Inbox Mailers provide an immediate lift to your email marketing efforts, the platform generates positive signals that reverberate over the course of months and years.
While other mailers try to game the system and stress over subject lines, you will sail right to the inbox due to the engagement Inbox Mailers generates.
But you know what? The best way to see how this works is to learn the ins and outs with a free live demo. One-on-one so you’ll get the full details on this patent-pending inbox technology.
Schedule a free demo today and watch your inbox placement problems go away.

For those with a tiny email list and just starting out…
Your list may not be large enough to utilize Inbox Mailers just yet.
So here are 4 tips to help you get better inbox placement rates:
- Do spam checks before sending any campaign
- Clean your email list regularly
- Use a double opt-in sign-up system
- Craft subject lines that present unknown or contrarian information
Also, please take advantage of a free email marketing newsletter we sponsor over at Inbox Hacking. Tools, tips, and tactics sent to your inbox twice per week. It’s free so sign up to join thousands of other Inbox Hackers.