Heads up… email campaigns that are easier and more enjoyable to consume get more clicks and conversions.
These simple ‘little’ companies are living / profiting proof.
Plus, 55% of consumers are willing to pay more for uncomplicated experiences. (UX Magazine)
Plus, plus, research showed that stocks with easy-to-pronounce names outperformed hard-to-pronounce stocks (even with numerous other factors considered). ~Nancy Harhut
Simplify, simplify, simplify… to multiply opens, clicks, and sales.
The following two infographics provide you with literary devices any email marketer can use to make their email messages easier to understand and a more pleasant reading experience for their subscribers.
Literary devices are marketing tools though the phrase sounds like a tool for poets or novel writers. But these simple tools work just as well for email marketers.
After the two infographics below, I’ll add more proof that making content easier for customers and clients to consume is the right strategy.
Speaking of easy (and segues🙂). Getting higher open rates and increasing click volume has never been easier. Schedule your one-on-one Demo of Inbox Mailers to see how this simple email marketing tool can improve your marketing strategy.

See, those literary tools are simple. But thinking they are too simple or ‘hacky’ would be a mistake. Why? Because they’re based on human psychology – brain stuff! Which obviously helps people make up their minds about doing business with your brand.
More proof that simple writing alongside literary devices is more effective…
🧾Using an elaborate font in exercise instructions made readers feel the exercise would be harder than those reading a simple font (Song & Schwartz 2008).
🧾Ohio University study tested jargon-tainted articles and found readers became less interested in the entire topic after reading!
🧾Using long words instead of simple, more easily-understood words makes readers think the writer is less intelligent. (Princeton study)
Lastly, I challenge you to read any research paper from the NIH all the way through. I usually stop after the first paragraph when my eyes roll into the back of my head.
Think about that when you begin writing your next email newsletter or promotional message.
Don’t make it hard for your readers in any way. Make the experience as smooth and enjoyable as possible and they will thank you by opening your next email. Then the next, and so on.
And this will lead to a more profitable email marketing strategy, guaranteed. If simple works for those ‘little’ brands mentioned at the top of this post, why can’t simple work for you?
*Want more literary devices? 100+ here.